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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Forcing Myself to Write- Day 3

I like thieves and rogues.

It almost seems not worth justifying...

Oh well, I wanted to write anyway.

When you get down to it, I like smart and crazy characters. Deadpool, Batman, Joker, Rebecca Buck, Riddick, Seth Green, Porco Rosso... the list goes on. I associate having non-combat skills with the kind of intelligence I see in these characters, especially a wide variety in talents and skills. From the beginning of RPG, the Thief class was the one of the first that had skill sets beyond common men that were not fighting or magic related. Nowadays most games have some skill system that goes beyond combat, but in most cases it is still rogues that have the greatest variety in skills.

But one must remember that rogues are insane. They almost never fight as well as other classes, they never have spells, never have a god on their side, and most only use small blades and tool kits. But for some reason they still feel up to taking on things that would daunt one armed with magic or mighty arms. I can picture someone looking over a party of adventures and having the following conversation with the thief:
"You don't seem as well armed as the others. What can you do?"
"Hide, steal things and notice traps."
"Can you fight?"
"Kinda, if I get the guys back..."
"Can you cast spells?"
"Do the gods favor you?"
"I think a few hate me for stealing from temples. That count?"
"So what will you do?"
"I'm going into a big hole in the ground full of things that can use magic and/or fight better than me. Then I'm going to take their stuff."
"By being smarter and luckier. I hope."
"... Very well then. Good luck to you, cra- I mean good sir."

But in the end, I like using my intelligence and more than a little luck to get through a challenge. If playing a rogue or watching others playing a rogue can be summarized, it would be as so:

“For a job like getting rid of the drug dealer next door, I’ll take a hardware store over a gun any day. Guns make you stupid; better to fight your wars with duct tape. Duct tape makes you smart.” 
-Michael Westen, Burn Notice

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