I just saw The Force Awakens.
It was an okay movie. It does not live up to the hype.
But then again, it never could have. It was the Duke Nukem Forever of movies: something that had been bouncing from production to production that we all wanted and were excited about, but came many years too late. If the idea of what something could be stays in your creative mind long enough, what it turns out to be can never be as cool.
But I see something in this movie. I see a promise. Disney is promising that it will not lose the spirit of episodes IV through VI. J. J. Abrams is promising us skill and good direction in the future films he works on.
I see that in the end, VII is the not the movie we were looking for. It is a promise that VIII will kick it's ass and blow our minds.
I'm holding everyone involved to that promise.
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